This recent project involved a property in Consett, County Durham and was found to have severe structural movement to the 1st floor front elevation and also severe roof spread. The ground floor had separation of masonry from party wall and rubble filled wall position. From the following photographs the outward tilt of the property is clearly evident.
For this property the structural remedy was a combination of installing substantial supports to the roof structure in the form of purlins, tension webs, compression webs, collar ties and general re-fixing of existing roof timbers. As the original roof design had no ceiling chords to triangulate and support the roof loads, we designed and installed the necessary structural supports.
The existing 18″ rubble fill wall to the front elevation was found to be 230mm out of plumb due to severe roof spread and no triangulation of the original roof design. Severe fracturing of the load bearing walls required DLC structural to install the helifix systems in various combinations to stabilise the property.
DLC Structural had to take down the entire front elevation and rebuild forming a cavity. Using 140mm block to inner leaf for additional stability and strength. The original punched faced limestone wall was then dressed and re-used to build up outer leaf elevation.

Project completion and full customer satisfaction.